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An Inconvinient Truth
The expanding world of Engineers
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~Singapore Poly Environment Club~
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Great Words..
2 weeks ago, we had a round table discussion. The topic again was on CSC and as with any discussion there are some who were with this technology and some including myself who were against it. Those who support it state that it will help dramatically bring down the carbon dioxide emission to atmosphere by a huge percentage as according to scientist. They also state the benefit of such a technology and it advantages that it will provide eventually. Those who are against talk about the dangers of implementing this technology and its side effect it may caused. Below are the overviews of the discussion.
Supporter claim that the technology will help reduce the effects of global warming as instead of emitting to the atmosphere, the plan is to emit to the ground where it will cause less harm. Since storing in ground will not cause any global warming problem. They also state that with this implementation, it will also provide a fuel source when the grounds are filled up when time passes thus, making the technology renewable and more importantly eco friendly.
Those who oppose the technology, state that the harms or accidents which might occur can caused a catastrophic accident such as the Chernobyl incident in 1986. They state that if there was a leak that occur, it might devastate the environment and these side effects should be take note of. We argue that the technology would be safe but the point is that there is no gurantee for any safety since accidents are generally unavoidable
Sunday, March 15, 2009